Khatem Bellydance

Khatem Bellydance
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Bellydance Khatem
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Khatem Bellydance is a brilliant professional performer working in the style of Belly Dance. Her delightful performance immediately immerses viewers into the fabulous atmosphere of the mysterious and pleasures of the Ancient East! Any concert event is remembered with great pleasure, if it features incomparable Khatem Bellydance!
Dancing from four years, Khatem and today devotes almost all free time to hone unmatched mastery. Daily rehearsals, training, professional and creative research allowed her to create her own unique style, corresponding to the ancient canons of oriental dance traditions. Thanks to this we can observe the bright and memorable "Belly Dance", which brings incomparable pleasure to all admirers of Belly Dance style!
Khatem rarely participates in video filming, since no video is able to convey the whole atmosphere of magic and the celebration accompanying her performances. A true belly dance is what she devoted her life to, and this beauty is worth enjoying only live! Khatem Bellydance toured a lot, speaking both in general concert programs, and with solo numbers. Khatem is especially highly skilled in the Middle East, thereby recognizing the conformity of its style to ancient traditions.
Khatem Bellydance loves oriental dances, she loves them, recreates, improves! And she is ready to offer the dance magic of the Ancient East to audiences of any countries and continents!
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The program ANACONDA will entice you into the world of magic, night dreams and oriental color! The magnificent belly dance performed by Khatem BellyDance captivates with its mystery, beauty and grace! The graceful movements of the beautiful performer, her struggle with the ancient, as the world, snake literally hypnotize the audience, keeping enthusiastic attention during unforgettable fairy-tale minutes of performance! You will not be able to take your eyes off when you have a real ANACONDA - from the incomparable Khatem Bellydance!


Delight, surprise, fascination, amazement - no one video can convey the whole gamut of feelings experienced by the audience in live performances of Khatem Bellydance! Fabulous FLOWER OF THE PLANET is one of the most memorable appearance of Khatem, uniting the whole spectrum of enthusiastic emotions! A fascinating live performance Khatem is a real gift for fans of Belly Dance style and for all connoisseurs of beauty!
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Новости и объявления

19.07.2017 05:43 Khatem Bellydance is a brilliant professional performer working in the style of Belly Dance. Her delightful performance immediately immerses viewers i...


Delight, surprise, fascination, amazement - no one video can convey the whole gamut of feelings experienced by the audience in live performances of Khatem Bellydance! Fabulous FLOWER OF THE PLANET is one of the most memorable appearance of Khatem, uniting the whole spectrum of enthusiastic emotions! A fascinating live performance Khatem is a real gift for fans of Belly Dance style and for all conn...


The program ANACONDA will entice you into the world of magic, night dreams and oriental color! The magnificent belly dance performed by Khatem BellyDance captivates with its mystery, beauty and grace! The graceful movements of the beautiful performer, her struggle with the ancient, as the world, snake literally hypnotize the audience, keeping enthusiastic attention during unforgettable fairy-tale...
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