Biography of Hamidreza Ghorbani ( Musician and Singer-songwriter)

Biography of Hamidreza Ghorbani  ( Musician and Singer-songwriter)
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Hamidreza Ghorbani
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Hamidreza Ghorbani is from Tehran, he was born in the Isfahan. He has Iranian nationality. He was born on July 30, 1991 and lives in Tehran
As a teenager, he was influenced by the art of music. He didn't have any support or encouragement and he only moved and worked towards building his dreams and at the age of 16 he released his first music album in the hip-hop style.
He is known for his international albums and songs and his great personality.

Hamidreza Ghorbani brings various cultural influences into his music that helped him grow. He is one of the pioneers in the field of international music and has tried to gather different cultures from different continents in his music in order to formalize the harmony between generations and different styles. He has been very successful in this
His obsession in choosing the lyrics and type of music has made his choices become the best and his music has become inspiring and influential, that's why the greats of rock and pop music in the world have had successful collaborations with him.
His vision of his work and his dream of building a safe haven was the spark that inspired him to follow his dreams and passion. He has famous fans who follow him on social networks. He likes to combine different genres in his music, the result of which will be unique
High enthusiasm and perseverance made him become a professional composer at the age of 23 and compose songs for many singers and musicians, and his life path was determined.
He is now the owner and founder of "Hamidreza Ghorbani" music studio, which operates in Tehran and has produced more than 3000 pieces of music so far, which is a thought-provoking record.
If You are His Fans,You can follow him on all of Music Platforms
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15.09.2023 03:36 Hamidreza Ghorbani ( Iranian Singer-songwriter, Musician, Composer )
15.09.2023 03:34 Hamidreza Ghorbani ( Iranian Singer-songwriter, Musician, Composer)
15.09.2023 03:31 Hamidreza Ghorbani ( Iranian Singer-songwriter, Musician and Composer )

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