art_project "Provokacia"

art_project "Provokacia"
Rating: 87
Телефон и email
Lepikhova Ekaterina Evgenevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 7000- 14000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Art_project "Provocation"
"from idea to perfection..."
The new unique art_project "Provokacia" breaks all the stereotypes of the modern show.
The idea of combining bright drum rhythms, incendiary dances, and a professional vision of the show led to the creation of this project.
The creators and performers of art_project "Provokacia" are four different girls,but United by the goal to bring their creative ideas to life.These ideas were embodied in a bright and colorful program:
- "Solemn drum show"
- "Caucasian legend"
- "Romanization"
- "Vice squad"
- Disco and other numbers.
Art_project "Provokacia" is a high-quality sound,professional choreography and directing,bright costumes, interactive(personal participation of the audience in the show) and an unforgettable spectacle.
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- "Solemn drum show"
- "Caucasian legend"
- "Romanization"
- "Vice squad"
- Disco and other numbers.
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