Felix. A wizard, pretending to be a magician.

Felix. A wizard, pretending to be a magician.
Rating: 191
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Ivachev Feliks
To get a discount 17% say promo code
"Мистер Вискас"
Cost of services
Average budget: 10000-17000
Depends on the format.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


An illusionist-prestidigitator, specializing in interactivity and close contact with the viewer.

7 years in the profession. 6 foreign contracts. More than 3000 conducted show programs.
Have international illusion store since 2014.
Education - higher psychological.

I will offer several formats for your event from the most magical of arts.
If the audience does NOT like the show, I fully refund the fee.

I work with organizations with a commission.
If the artist is interesting, I send format options and a more detailed description of the character, working approach and options for cooperation.

Thank you for your attention🎩
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Depends on the format.
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Depends on the format.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/Volshebnik-FELIX

Felix Promo

Визитка-портфолио. Дополнительные видеоматериалы отсылаю по обращению.

Феликс в "Мечтать"

Собрались и создали нечто прекрасное для @mechtatkidsclub. Не просто развивающего центра, а, не постесняюсь, отдельного мира! @edikazovcev, как всегда великолепен. 👏 @marina_prazdnik_ - сама сказка. 👏 Признайся, захотелось стать снова ребёнком и к нам в гости?
Феликс Ивачёв - Эфир "Восток России" 2022. Программа "Культ Культуры".
From profile: Felix. A wizard, pretending to be a magician., genre: другое
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