Saxophone musician Artur Bedikyan
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Bedikyan Artur Surenovich
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"gold sax"
Cost of services
Average budget: 10000
Lounge, welcome-1 hour in Sochi from 7000rub.
Number: 1 composition (approximately 4-5 min.), Sochi. from 3000rub.
a minimum of 2 rooms.
Travel to other cities leads to an increase in the cost of performance.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Arthur bedikyan-professional saxophonist of Sochi. A musician who plays in different styles and constantly adds to his repertoire.Has extensive experience working both solo and in groups.
He is a member of the sax ENERGY BAND Quartet.
From 2007 to 2017, he is a soloist of the jazz orchestra "big Band Sochi"
I will decorate your holiday with good, pleasant music.Weddings, anniversaries, registrations, guest meetings, banquets and other celebrations.
He is a member of the sax ENERGY BAND Quartet.
From 2007 to 2017, he is a soloist of the jazz orchestra "big Band Sochi"
I will decorate your holiday with good, pleasant music.Weddings, anniversaries, registrations, guest meetings, banquets and other celebrations.
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It depends on the goals and venue. By agreement .
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